Early Morning & Personal Projects

It’s that time of the year again when the mornings are rather chilly, and the last thin that you want to do is leave the warm comfort of the bed and face the near zero degree temperature of the house and start the day. But somehow, for some reason if the reason for the early start is a fun personal project, it makes the transition a little easier.

This morning in the two degrees Celsius I dragged myself out of bed to film a local band being interviewed on the local radio. Radio station studio spaces are small at the best of times, there isn’t enough room to swing a cat (poor cat), yet somehow we managed to squeeze in the radio presenter, a couple of band members, and not one, not two, but 4 cameras in the space. It was a blast to film (other than a small technical hitch with an SD card) and by 8:45am we were all over, car packed and all. Most days I’ve barely eaten breakfast by 8:45.

Later on in the day I sat down to start the editing process. {side note, 4 cameras and no slate is a dumb idea for those wanting to try something similar at home…always slate the footage, at both ends if you can.} I spent about half an hour, maybe 45 minutes on it, at least that is what I thought I’d done, I looked at the clock, 2 hrs 15 minutes. Where has all the time gone???

As I’m exploring a raft of personal projects, mixed in with professional projects, I’m amazed at how quickly time flies on the personal ones, yet in the professional ones sometimes I feel someone needs to chain me to the computer just to keep my attention on the project.

This probably highlights something, I should find people to pay me to do the same work as I do in my personal projects, and scrap some of the professional ones. However I wonder if the opposite would happen, like a children’s see-saw, would getting paid to do more small c creative work (photography, filming, design) ultimately mean that the more technical projects I started doing would be be more enjoyable again & I would start to dread the small c creative stuff? 

I’m not sure. 

Would I bound out of bed, no matter the outside temperature? Or go back to being a lazy 10 times snoozer?