EBay Myer Department Store VR – is the future here?

Today we might get to see a glimpse of the future with eBay and Myer Australia teaming up to bring a department store VR experience.  This will be interesting because I think it will be a lot of people’s first time experiencing VR,  so the success or failure of it, may dictate how easy / hard it is for other companies to encourage people to try entering the VR space.
They have set up a mini sites around it at http://vr.ebay.com.au where they are even giving away a Google Cardboard like VR headset to those who hand over their details.

I started playing with VR about 4 weeks ago when James gave me a Google Cardboard. I was instantly hooked on the concept and amazed at how much fun pairing a $5 cardboard box with a fancy phone can be (here I’ve using a HTC one m8).

After playing with the app I think they provide a good introduction to VR, but the whole shopping experience doesn’t feel like it’s there yet. Simple things like product options don’t seem to be there yet. But hey it’s just version 1. Version 1 of a PDA (the thing before a smart phone) looked a lot different to the current premium phones of today. Baby steps.