Creating something and putting it out there

So I created my first end to end vlog (filmed, edited, uploaded). 

The response has been mixed, a couple of “that’s goods”, a couple of “well, it’s a bit boring”.

Truth be told it is boring. It’s 5 minutes of me talking about doing stuff, travelling, and a bit of show and tell. It only stars me. And if I never saw it again in my life, I wouldn’t be fussed.

But what it represents is so much greater than what the content is. It’s a new beginning, a starting point. Are there technical issues? Yep. Are there story issues? Yep. But did I actually complete something and put it out there? Yes, and to me that is the biggest achievement. It’s not going to go viral. It’s drop dead boring, that stuff doesn’t go viral. But it’s there and done, wrinkles, pimples and all.

That not to say that if someone left a comment saying “your video is shit man” that I wouldn’t be a little bit hurt, but it would inspire me to make a better one, and a better one. And if I follow the philosophy instilled in me by my year 7 English teacher

“Each new work, should be your best work. ”

– My Year 7 English Teacher, Greg C

If each thing is 1% better than the last, then with time and practice, it should grow into something amazing.

Case in point, I was asked to photograph a couple this evening. I’ve never had to photograph a couple in love. I’ve only ever photographed friends and couples acting like friends, not all lovely and kissy. I felt we came away with an OK result. But next time it will be better. I’ve learnt a few things that worked, and a bunch of things that didn’t. That’s ok. 🙂

First vlog

It’s done. I created a 5 1/2 min vlog video in under 48hrs. While I’ve been toying with the idea and filming things since February, today was the first time I actually pulled the trigger and sat down & forced myself to edit something together.

I know that this isn’t sustainable to do a daily vlog of the likes of Casey Neistat, but I can probably start with one a week. Although something has to give, unfortunately it will probably be the daily blog post 🙁 

Strangely enough, it wasn’t nearly as scary as I thought to post a vlog. Maybe I just wanted to get it over with, I’m not sure.

I’ll just have to see where this creative path takes me.