osTicket 1.9.2 – Easy Custom Column in Ticket View

Dec 14 Update:While these rough instructions can be roughly used in osTicket 1.9.4, it doesn’t return the value from a list, just an ID (Which on a technical level is better in the long run, just makes this process a little harder).
I’m working on fixing this and will post the info once I’ve had a chance to work it out.
New instructions for 1.9.4 can be found here: https://www.andrewbennett.com.au/2014/12/osticket-1-9-4-easy-custom-column-in-ticket-view/

TL;DR (I rushed these notes for myself).

File to edit: /include/staff/tickets.inc.php

1) Added To the top to make things easier. (line 2-3)
The Name field (currently “field_17” ) needs to be worked out from the database by looking at the [tbl_prefix]_ticket__cdata
The Desc field (Currently “Sample 1”) is what your users will see as the column heading.

$CustomList1Name = “field_17”;
$CustomList1Desc = “Sample 1”;

2) Add custom1 to allow sorting. (~Line 157)

‘custom1’=>’Custom1’); //AB Added

3) Edit the last two lines, frst remove the ; after “pri.priority_color'” then add the last line  (~Line 243)
After line:

$qselect.=’ ,IF(ticket.duedate IS NULL,IF(sla.id IS NULL, NULL, DATE_ADD(ticket.created, INTERVAL sla.grace_period HOUR)), ticket.duedate) as duedate ‘
.’ ,CAST(GREATEST(IFNULL(ticket.lastmessage, 0), IFNULL(ticket.closed, 0), IFNULL(ticket.reopened, 0), ticket.created) as datetime) as effective_date ‘
.’ ,CONCAT_WS(” “, staff.firstname, staff.lastname) as staff, team.name as team ‘
.’ ,IF(staff.staff_id IS NULL,team.name,CONCAT_WS(” “, staff.lastname, staff.firstname)) as assigned ‘
.’ ,IF(ptopic.topic_pid IS NULL, topic.topic, CONCAT_WS(” / “, ptopic.topic, topic.topic)) as helptopic ‘
.’ ,cdata.priority_id, cdata.subject, pri.priority_desc, pri.priority_color’
.’ ,cdata.’.$CustomList1Name.’ as Custom1 ‘ //AB – Custom 1

4) Add Column Heading (~ Line 337)

<!– AB – Custom Col 1 –>
<th width=”60″>
<a <?php echo $custom1_sort; ?> href=”tickets.php?sort=custom1&order=<?php echo $negorder; ?><?php echo $qstr; ?>”
title=”Sort By <?php echo $CustomList1Desc; ?> <?php echo $negorder; ?>”><?php echo $CustomList1Desc; ?></a></th>
<!– AB – Custom Col 1 –>

5) Add Column Data (~ Line 435)

<!– AB – Custom Col 1 –>
<td nowrap>&nbsp;<?php echo $row[‘Custom1’]; ?>&nbsp;</td>
<!– AB – Custom Col 1 –>

When I get around to it I will upload the file to github or bitbucket.

11 thoughts on “osTicket 1.9.2 – Easy Custom Column in Ticket View”

  1. Andrew, I know your notes were done quickly. Here’s something small to add:

    6) Increase colspan (~ Line 452)
    If you added 1 new column you’ll need to increase the colspan on the last table row. Change the following:
    You’ll need to adjust this # with additional columns

  2. hi, is possible to add this mod fot he new 1.9.4??? is possible to have a modified tickets.inc.php (release 1.9.4) ????

    1. I’ll have a look for you.

      Edit: I’ve looked at the difference between 1.9.2 and 1.9.4, there are over 150 differences between the files, not as easy as I had first hoped. This is going to take a little bit of time.

    1. Awesome job. Was there many differences, or was it just a matter of re-matching line numbers? I’ve just been swamped with a few other projects to try it myself.

  3. Please example code file available on Github or similar service as I’m having problems following this. Thanks!

  4. can you please post the the full file?
    just like you did with ver. 1.9.4?
    that would be very helpful!
    thanks a lot!

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