Tag Archives: XenDesktop

IIS Admin Error Failure to Start

Today I received the following error after bringing a XenDesktop Virtual Desktop Delivery Controller back up after a power outage: The IIS Admin Service service terminated with service-specific error 2149648394 (0x8021080A).

A quick search on the internet and I found this resource:


Here are the steps outlined (and what I used to fix it):

Check in C:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv and you’ll find a ‘History’ folder. Within here – hopefully – you’ll find fairly recent backups of the Metabase.XML and MBSchema.XML objects. Before doing the following – be sure to backup the existing Metabase.xml and MBSchema.xml from C:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv first.

Now, rename a recent backup from the ‘History’ folder – renaming a recently Metabase.XML object, and then a recent MBSchema.XML object. Copy / Paste each of these to the C:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv.

Ahh, not quite done.

Now do a IISRESET from a command prompt.

IIS started and staff were able to get back to work.